Unlock The Secret Of Cloud Security

What’s The Key To Cloud Security?

According to the Cloud Security Firm RedLock and its Cloud Security Trends report, more than 50% of businesses that use cloud services like Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) have unintentionally exposed at least one of these services to the public.

This growing trend of unsecured cloud configurations is due to businesses neglecting known vulnerabilities in the cloud, or failing to properly assess their cloud environment to discover unseen security risks. RedLock researchers found that:

  • 38% of organisations have had an administrative user account compromised
  • More than 80% of businesses fail to mitigate cloud vulnerabilities
  • 37% of databases accept inbound connection requests from the Internet, seven percent of which receive requests from untrustworthy IP addresses

Cloud Security

What Can You Do To Secure Your Cloud?

The cloud has so much to offer businesses like yours, but only with the right security measures. When you finally decide to make your move to the cloud, consider these five keys to security:

  1. Encryption as a Service: Encryption ensures that even if data is unlawfully accessed and stolen, it will be completely unreadable and unusable to the thief, which helps to protect you, your employees and your business contacts.
  2. Intrusion Detection: Monitoring of your cloud configuration to detect, prevent and report potential breaches around-the-clock is the best way to keep unwanted visitors out.
  3. Virtual Private Network: Implementing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a great way to keep your data safe, especially when using unfamiliar Wi-Fi networks. Whether traveling or just checking email at the local coffee shop, investing in and using a VPN ensures that no unwanted third party can get into your cloud-based data at the same time you’re accessing it.

Now, that’s all well and good, but let’s be honest – it’s a lot to try to handle in your own. That’s why the #1 top tip for cloud security is…

Partner With Steadfast Solutions For Managed Cloud Security

A comprehensive solution is the best approach, utilising security control protocols that keep you protected from external threats around the clock without compromising the flexibility and convenience of the cloud. A fully managed approach also takes care of ongoing concerns like automatic updates and patches.

The Steadfast Solutions team will be your partner in cloud security. We will equip you with the above solutions, monitor your cloud systems for any suspicious activity, and keep your cloud environment in shape.

For more information about our cloud security services, get in touch with us on 1300 739 335 or send us an email at hello@steadfastsolutions.com.au.