Smartphone users are to top the 2 billion mark in 2016. This is close to one-third of the world’s population regularly sending and receiving sensitive and potentially costly information! For LLCs, SMEs and large corporations, this prospect puts their compliance adherence at greater risk. But, many of these mobile device users are at great risk of having their data held hostage by ransomware and other hacker tricks to get users to hand over personally-identifiable information (PII). As Stuart Crawford of our marketing partner Ulistic says, “We are seeing more and more companies losing valuable and confidential information simply because they are not properly securing mobile devices. It is a fact that almost all company information and data can now be stored on a smartphone or mobile device and this puts businesses at risk.”
Recent Headlines Underscore Cybersecurity Need
We’re seeing it more and more in the daily news headlines–companies, executives, and even whole nations having their data put at great risk, with hackers demanding payment as ransom. It’s called ransomware, and instances of it are reaching a fever pitch. The ones most at risk? Executives in SMEs and larger corporations, and even government bureaucracies, having their data stolen and held hostage by ransomware hackers. Countries like India and Japan have recently had to scramble to bolster their data centers, servers, PCs, and mobile devices. But, it’s not just corporation executives and governments that are at risk–anyone can have malware or ransomware hit them, and demand a payment before you get your personal data back in safe hands.
Never Negotiate with Hackers
It is important that in lieu of having a superior IT security strategy in place, that you never negotiate with hackers demanding payment. Ignore such requests and phone an IT expert at {company} immediately, to safeguard what hasn’t been breached, and get a regular IT management plan in place. In some ransomware cases, making payments to cyber pirates didn’t guarantee the safe return of stolen data. Indeed, it only worsened the situation. There are no guarantees in life, yes, but with an IT network that acts more as a castle with battlements and tight defenses than ducks in a barrel, the likelihood of guaranteeing hackers won’t get to is greatly increased.
Experienced IT Partners Eliminate Cyber Attack Risk
You don’t want to find yourself scrambling like India and Japan had to after they discovered cyber breaches and holes in their data security plans. You can safeguard yourself and your company from ransomware attacks by having a Managed Service Provider (MSP) of IT security overseeing your network data defenses on an ongoing basis. This includes all mobile devices in your IT “fleet”. A good IT partner is like a member of your own organization, allowing you to captain the ship sailing the IT waters, but who acts as an adjunct consultant, brought on board to better aid you in steering the ship.
Don’t Do Without Adequate Cybersecurity on Mobile Devices
In many cases, Mobile Device Security or Mobile Device Management (MDM) is overlooked, because it is not seen as being as valid a risk as protecting data centers and server platforms. But, this oversight is a huge mistake. Mobile devices present huge holes in WiFi networks and hotspots which hackers can send their ransomware right through. Don’t get caught without appropriate mobile device security! {company} is the trusted choice when it comes to staying ahead of the latest information technology tips, tricks, and news. Contact us at {phone} or send us an email at {email} for more information.